Sunday, 30 October 2011

Outsourcing and SCMluxe (Part 3 of 3)

Some of the business models used for offshoring/outsourcing business services as Shared Service Centers (SSCs) are as below:

Sl NoModelCharacteristicProsCons
Captive SSC
Owned by company but process consolidated in single location 
Better Control and ownership
Not cost effective 
Outsourced SSC
SSC operated and owned by third party vendor of services
Best practices, economies of scale, cost effective, ability to focus on core competancies
No ownership, initial employee dissatisfaction 
Business services delivered from distributed locations
Local requirements completely addressed
Lack of economies of scale and cost effectiveness
SSC operated in a location close to centers of delivery
Local requirements partly met. Some cost advantages
Not as cost effective as offshore delivery
SSC operated from distant low cost country (Eg: India, Phillipenes etc)
Cost effective, economies of scale
Local requirements and cultural issues not met

Note that typically even for a single process the model can be a combination of the above. For example in vendor management process, the identification of the vendor can be done onsite and in a distributed fashion without any consolidation but the transactional activity of performance evaluation can be done from a shared service center (SSC). Even here the evaluation done based on data obtained from the IT (or ERP) systems like % rejections, % on time deliveries etc can be done from an offshore location while the actual audit at the vendor's premises will need to be done locally and onsite.

Some of the business processes in SCMluxe and recommendations for the shared service model is as below:

Sl NoBusiness ProcessBusiness ModelLocation
1Supply Chain PlanningCaptive - SSCOnsite
2Demand ForecastingCaptive - SSC and DistributedNearshore
3Direct ProcurementCaptive - SSCOnsite
4Indirect ProcurementOutsource - SCCOffshore
5Vendor ManagementCaptive - SSCOnsite/ Nearshore
6Inventory ManagementOutsource - SSCNearshore/ Offshore
7FulfillmentCaptive - SSC and DistributedNearshore/ Offshore
8Order ManagementDistributedOnsite
9LogisticsCaptive - SSC and DistributedOnsite and Nearshore
10Returns ManagementCaptive - SSC and DistributedOnsite and Nearshore
11Master Data ManagementOutsource - SSCOffshore
12Supply Chain AnalyticsOutsource - SSCOffshore
13Customer Relationship ManagementCaptive SSC and DistributedOnsite

Again it is to be noted that for each sub process a different model maybe used. However only broad indications are provided here based on the risk and opportunity each process provides in outsourcing or offshoing in SCMluxe

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